Enterprise Certification Product Certification& Enterprise Certification LookChem audited suppliers is an authentication service specific to all the members of LookChem.com which is free at present. We will audit all the related information one by one, strictly check on the companies ' details, such as Business License, Legal person's ID card. The company which has passed the authenticationwill get an audited suppliers logo by LookChem so as to gain more business opportunities. | This logo is awarded to the audited suppliers by LookChem.com | Company Authentication | The items with have passed our verification | Time of verification: | | Company Name: | | Country/Territory: | | Registered Address: | | Tel: | | Fax: | | Website: | | Email: | | Company Scale: | | Registered Capital: | People | Year Established: | | Business Type: | | Business Scope: | | Main Markets: | | Company Corporate Representative: | | Certificate | Business License: | "No approved" | Tax Registration Certificate: | "No approved" | Organization Code Certificate: | "No approved" | Legal person's id card: | "No approved" | |